Our Philosophy

The word ‘yoga’ is rooted in the word ‘yug’, the same root as ‘yoke’ (as in, to yoke together): it’s about connection between mind, body and spirit. At Your Community Yoga Center, our philosophy extends that practice out into community life as well. YCYC strives to foster connection between the individuals that comprise our community, businesses that serve our community, and the general spirit that makes our community a home. 

Our studio has attracted well known teachers in the yoga world as well as fostering many of our own. For over 15 years we have served a wide range of people, from college students to seniors, stay at home parents to working professionals, and children from the womb (in our prenatal classes) through high school.

YCYC loves to open up our space for members of the community to try new things. Whether that’s your first yoga class, a challenging inversion, a lite cardio class, hooping, ecstatic dance, gong meditation, hosting a controversial author, or learning about Ayurveda, we have a space for you to try it.

In addition to our wide array of yoga classes, we host a number of local specialty classes and programs, and are always happy to welcome more! 


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