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$27/adv; $33/day of; $99/4x
Restorative yoga is a mini vacation from your busy life and is a journey into tranquility and well-being. It's the yoga that gently reminds the nervous system to relax, the adrenals to restore and the organs to be nurtured.
Workshops give you a wonderful opportunity to go even MORE deeply into restful postures for a longer lasting, profound effect. Blankets, bolsters and other props will be used.
Other benefits associated with the deep relaxation of restorative yoga?
- slower heart rate
- improved circulation
- lower blood pressure
- reduced muscle tension
2018 Restorative Yoga Workshop Dates:
January 7, February 4, March 4, April 1, May 13
(These make a great gift to someone you love, and that just might include you! Attractive gift certificates available at YCYC)